Short interview between Mark Aloysious of the Richmond Va "cr@ss coverband" & Ken Hicks of the dance/spaz band Kitsch Kitsch.For those new to punk, CR@SS was the great anarchist band from UK in the late 70's, keepin it real and fierce and political. This is the first in what we hope to be a whole series of quirky beserk little interviews where one Punk Island band interviews the other. Both of these bands are playing the Independent Media Stage. Let's jump right in!KEN-What did you eat for breakfast?
MARK-cereal, a smoothie, a muffin and some steamed kale and veggie medley from my garden
KEN-what band/ song have you been listening to the most lately?
MARK-it's summer time so pop punk has been filtering in lately...screeching weasel, pavement, jawbreaker. all go great while cooking in our way to hot kitchen.
KEN-have you played ny before?
MARKfirst time playing out of richmond let alone playing nyc
KEN-why do you live in richmond and not ny?
MARK-was traveling for a few years and moved to richmond to go to school because, as an old man of twenty-six, i can get the full pell grant. hard to pass up going to school for free.
KEN-who in your band will get naked when you play abc no rio/punk island?
MARK-naked? my guess is stuart. but he plays naked or close to it at almost all our shows. i'm sure we'll all be showing some skin. i just gotta find a good dress to wear
MARK-it seems that your band has a rotating cast of characters...what is it like to perform with a full band/with two people/by yourself?
KEN- it can be a shit show playing with a whole band if you haven't been able to practice alot. i prefer playing with one other person. you get to improvise and really get away with it. by myself is probably what im doin at the punk fest. we will see though. . im gona be drunk most likely.
MARK-whose been rolling through your jukebox lately?
death from above [remixes]. health.
crystal castles.
MARK-favorite new york band?
KEN-mathmaticians. they are fun to hang with when they tour.
MARK-will you choose a band name for us??
KEN-My band names dont stick either. I don't fucking care. you can be "that crass band with the guy in a dress" and I'll be "that
drunk kid who kinda sounds like
crystal castles." ..cause we already are.